Excellent Summaries of Sustainable Garden/Landscape Principles:
- River City Gardens – Sustainable practices: “choices that honor the earth”
- Healthy Yards – Changing yard practices to support the local ecosystem
- Earth Care Farm Fall Clean Up Video – Leaving plants up to support wildlife through the winter
Links to Articles, Videos and Webinars with Useful Tips and Information:
- Grasscycling – Leaving grass clipping on a lawn when mowing, rather than bagging and removing them
- Leave the Leaves – Leaving the leaves on the ground over the winter to support pollinators and other invertebrates
- Lawn Be Gone – Article about embracing eco-friendly lawns and gardens
- Garden for Wildlife – National Wildlife Federation Videos and Webinars
Sustainable Landscape Design and Maintenance Contractors:
- Gardening+Ecology, Nathan Lamb, (401) 206-0197 [nathan@gardenecology.us]
- Golden Root Gardening, 89A Country Drive, Charlestown, RI, Jayne Senecal, (401) 439-8007 [jayne@goldenrootgardening.com julie@goldenrootgardening.com]
- Horticultural Solutions, PO Box 1360, Charlestown, RI, Frank Crandall, III, (401) 742-7619, [FrankCrandall3@gmail.com]
- Stonington Gardens, 154 Lantern Hill Road, Mystic, CT, Jim Nieuwenhuis, (860) 536-7720, [jim@stoningtongardens.com]
- Wild & Scenic, PO Box 712, Wakefield, RI, Meghan Gallagher, (401) 497-9954, meghan@wildscenicgardens.com
Sustainable Lawn-Cutting Contractors:
- Graeve Landscaping – “Lawns Gone Electric” service uses emission-free equipment, [graevelandscaping@gmail.com]
- Horticultural Solutions (see above) electric equipment available
- General Lawn Care offers electric hedge trimming, Jon Pruitt, (401) 265-9401
Backyard Habitat Information and Certification Programs:
- AGZA Residential Green Zone Initiative – Promotes sustainable principles for garden and lawn care
- National Wildlife Federation Habitat Certification Program
- Portland Audubon Backyard Habitat Certification Program (Certification program in Oregon, but has lots of great information about yard habitats)
Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers:
- The Environmental Working Group (EWG) – U.S. nonprofit group that specializes in research and advocacy in the areas of agricultural subsidies, toxic chemicals, drinking water pollutants, and corporate accountability. Through consumer guides, EWG helps consumers learn about the hidden dangers in food, water and everyday products to make better decisions.
- Pollinator Pathway: List of organic pesticides and their potential toxicities
- Town of Charlestown brochure: Beautiful Lawns, Healthy Salt Ponds
- Xerces Society: Comparative Overview of Organic Pesticides
Additional “Core” Q Gardens and Landscapes Resources
- Sustainable Gardens and Landscapes (This page)
- Composting
- Native Plants
- Pollinator Projects
- Invasive Plants
- Fossil Fuel-Free Landscaping
- Local Garden Clubs / Organizations
- Seaweed
- Sample Yard Signs