Photos – QCC Spring 2024 Birdwalk

On May 29, 2024, the Beaches, Dunes and Other Habitats committee held the first of two bird walks at the Quonochontaug Breachway. Approximately eighteen people participated in the outing, led by Bill McNee, who organized and led the inaugural walk. We were fortunate to have clear skies, and light winds, with the pond at low-to-mid tide, and temps in the high 50s – which all adds up to very nice birding weather! A big shout-out to Peter Mogielnicki for helping to organize the event, and to Barbara Seith for helping out as a supplemental guide.

In total, our survey yielded 44 species, including many shorebirds such as Willets, Rudy Turnstones, Dunlin, White-rumped Sandpipers, Short-billed Dowitchers, Egrets, and Osprey, as well as resident gulls (e.g., Laughing, Hermit, Great Black-backed and Ring-billed) and Terns (e.g., Least and Common). We also captured good looks at several Willow Flycatchers that must have been nesting at the breachway, as well as a small flock of Cedar Waxwing (often referred to as an “ear-full” or “museum”), wrens, swallows, song and house sparrow, finches and some warblers (e.g., Common Yellowthroat and Yellow). While we didn’t have any luck with any migrating Red Knots, the good news is that we did have a few visit the breachway a few days later. All-in-all a very good day indeed. Photo credits: Bill McNee