The Quonochontaug Conservation Collaborative has assembled a wide range of resources for members of the community. From sustainable gardening practices that help conserve water to lighting choices that protect our ecosystem and our health, we can all learn more about how to preserve the natural wonders of Quonnie.
Find below the various information resources available organized by Committee:
- Dark Skies – Information about dark skies, light pollution and its impact on bird migration, simple steps we can all take to protect dark skies, as well as local and national resources.
- Quonnie Gardens and Landscapes – Catalog of resources, categorized across nine topic areas, with drill-down pages for each with extensive links to browse. You’ll also find “Additional Resources to Consider,” including some DIY Project ideas that are easy to tap into.
- Sustainable Building and Clean Energy – Links to sustainable building and clean energy resources and informative articles that provide valuable information on how to make your home more energy-efficient.
- Water Quality and Conservation – Links to presentations and articles about pressing issues relevant to the Quonnie water supply.
- Wildlife and Habitat – Links to resources, books/articles and DIY projects related to wildlife and habitat, as well as GIS mapping information provided by the Town of Charlestown.
- Conservation Kids – TBD