
The Quonochontaug Conservation Collaborative (QCC) is a welcoming group of volunteers from across Quonnie’s communities, devoted to raising awareness of the natural wonders and resources Quonnie enjoys. We are focused on circulating conservation-related information and holding educational events to bring the Quonnie community together. We welcome anyone who is interested in learning, participating, or being more involved in any of QCC’s committees and their respective activities. Please let us know if you’d like any more information.


QCC has a strong working group of six committees comprised of thirty members representing East, Central and West Beach. QCC committees meet regularly to plan community events, discuss current issues within each conservation area of focus, develop community resources and build partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations. The six committees are:

Steering Committee

Formed in September 2022, QCC is led by a steering committee of 16 Quonnie residents:

  • Founding Members: Ellen Frost, Suzanne Marinaro, Diane McEnroe
  • Members: Ken Andrew, Alvaro Brito, Margaret Clark, Meg Deshpande, Kevin Didden, Anthony Flint, Nancy Mogielnicki, Peter Mogielnicki, Brooke Rodgers, Katie Rosenbaum, Bill Steinman, Alison Wessels, Bill Wilson